Adapted from Wyatt and Curry (2014) figure 11
Figure RE3
Schematic reflects index relationships at each of four stages of climate-regime evolution. Each Stage (Roman Numerals in top row) is marked by maximum (or minimum) activity in a collection of indices, or Group (labeled along vertical lines). Each collection of indices (Group) represents a dominant dynamic in a general region: e.g. Group I involves the ocean-ice coupling in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic; while Group II includes ice-atmosphere coupling in the Atlantic-Eurasian sector; and Group III, Pacific-centered circulations; and indices of Group IV affect the entire hemisphere, reflecting cumulative impacts of ocean, ice, and atmospheric dynamics from the previous Stages. For simplicity, only single indices are used (left column) to represent a given Group. Successive columns reflect Stages I through IV (and -I through -IV). The horizontal arrows crossing the columns represent increasing (red arrows) trends and decreasing (blue arrows) trends of the Group indices between Stages of regime evolution. Narrow arrows at bottom of figure indicate the duration of either a warming or cooling regime as the signal propagates.
Dates are on the x-axis. In ~1918, a warming regime 'begins'. It is marked by peak activity in Group I, Stage I. Between Stages I and II, all indices are positively (red arrow) trending (note AMO is + in this schematic (opposite from 'wave' plot)). When the signal reaches Stage II, Group II indices reverse trend. With each succeeding Stage, the next Group's trends reverse. Maximum Arctic temperature occurs at the last Stage of a warming regime. After a few-year transition, AMO reaches its peak and reverses trend, signaling the end of a warming regime. Stage -I marks this reversal; a cooling regime has begun.
Please refer to WC manuscript for additional explanation.
More discussion on the stadium-wave's hypothesized mechanism can be found in the FAQ (near end). A figure of the mechanism (FAQ2) is provided in the FAQ section also.